
English, also referred to as Literacy, focuses on three areas set by the government.

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Speaking and listening

Below is a breakdown of what Learning 4U tutors will teach for Year 6 pupils.

The children will be working on stories, poetry, and non-fiction and concentrating on one or more of the following areas:

  • Significant authors

  • Short stories with flashbacks

  • Biography and autobiography

  • Journalism

  • Persuasive writing

  • Poetic imagery

Reading in Year 6 – your child will be:

  • Continuing to read an increasingly wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, and non-fiction texts

  • Reading fiction texts both modern and old and from other cultures and traditions

  • Preparing poems and plays to read aloud and to perform showing understanding through intonation and volume

  • Inferring characters ' feelings from their actions and justifying inferences with evidence

  • Discussing how authors use figurative language

  • Distinguishing between fact and opinion

Writing in Year 6 – your child will:

  • Use further prefixes and suffixes and understand the guidance for adding them

  • Spell some words with silent letters

  • Learn the spelling of more difficult homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently)

  • Use a dictionary and a thesaurus

  • Understand synonyms and antonyms

  • Write with neat, legible handwriting and with increasing speed

  • Use the passive to affect the presentation of information in a sentence

  • Use semi-colons, colons, dashes, and hyphens

  • Learn to select appropriate grammar and vocabulary

  • Describe settings, characters, and atmosphere in narratives

  • Write dialogue

  • Structure texts with a range of organisational devices, including time connectives, paragraphs, headings, bullet points, underlining

  • Assess and improve the effectiveness of their writing

This is an outline of what a year 6 pupil will learn. Each year group will differentiate in topics and focus which we are equipped for.

If your child requires any help in any of the above areas, then please contact us as we are waiting to assist you.