
Maths will consist of nine topics called the programme of study (Set by the government).

These topics are very similar for all the year groups from Years 1 to 6.

Below is a breakdown of the topics Learning 4U tutors will teach taken from the programmes of study for Year 6


Number and Place Value

  • Reading, writing, ordering and comparing numbers to 10,000,000

  • Calculating intervals across zero


  • Multiplying four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long multiplication

  • Dividing four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using long division

  • Identifying common factors, common multiples and prime numbers

  • Solving multi-step problems involving all four operations

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Simplifying fractions

  • Comparing and ordering fractions

  • Adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators

  • Multiplying pairs of proper fractions, giving the answer in its simplest form

  • Dividing proper fractions by whole numbers

  • Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000

  • Multiplying one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers

  • Using written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two decimal places

Ratio and proportion

  • Finding percentages of amounts

  • Solving problems involving shapes and scale factors


  • Using simple formulae

  • Generating and describing linear number sequences

  • Express missing number problems algebraically

  • Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns


  • Converting between units of measurement, using decimal notation up to three decimal places

  • Working out the perimeter and area of shapes (including parallelograms and triangles)

  • Working out the volume of cubes and cuboids


  • Drawing a 2D shape using the given dimensions and angles

  • Finding unknown angles in any triangle, quadrilateral and regular polygon

  • Illustrating and naming parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference

  • Recognising angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line or are vertically opposite

  • Plotting coordinates on all four quadrants

  • Drawing and translating simple shapes on the coordinate plane and reflecting them in the axes


  • Interpreting and constructing pie charts and line graphs and using these to solve problems

  • Calculating and interpreting the mean as an average

This is an outline of what a year 6 pupil will learn. Each year group will differentiate in topics and focus which we are equipped for.

If your child requires any help in any of the above areas, then please contact us as we are waiting to assist you.